Executive Summary. For underground contractors the differing site conditions (“DSC”) clause can be a savior, or a killer. Know what it says before...
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Kobe’s Gym Rats and Angela’s Grit
Executive Summary. The “older” generation currently in executive management across the working world yearns for the good ol’ days when it was a...
Find a Mentor: They’ve Seen What You’re Seeing
Executive Summary. Finding someone who has been what you’re going through, has seen what’s in your future, and/or can help you directly or with some...
Constructive Acceleration: The Bully Owner
Executive Summary. Constructive acceleration is a common occurrence on job construction projects – especially a project with liquidated damages....
Increase Profit by Knowing Design Intent
Executive Summary. The designer knows design. You know cost. If you can satisfy the designer at a fraction of the cost, this equates to an increased...
Internal Divisional Subcontracting: Like Swallowing Hemlock
Executive Summary. It sure looks good on paper, but internal subcontracting to another division can be a disaster. It can be like swallowing hemlock...