Executive Summary. If you went to college for an engineering degree and you work in a field with professional engineers, get your professional...
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Why to Get a Contractor’s License
Executive Summary. Operating without a contractor’s license can be anywhere from inconvenient to illegal. Hear here why you should consider...
Ways that Engineers Manage Failure: Deflection
Executive Summary In construction, or after the fact in the permanent structure, engineers are predicting structural behavior and trying to either...
Bridges 101: What Makes up a Bridge
Executive Summary There are several types of bridges, but herein presented are the basic bridge components. What’s a bridge? Basically, from the...
Another Contractor Claims Tool: ASCE 71-21 Identifying, Quantifying, and Proving Loss of Productivity
Executive Summary Loss of productivity claims for contractors are common, and always difficult to be successful with against an owner. ASCE...
Project Loss Insurance: Heard of It?
Executive Summary There exists an insurance product to mitigate the risk associated with catastrophic failure of a construction company. It’s called...