Executive Summary. Most decisions can be further analyzed by collaborative or self-inquiry. When looking for ways to decrease costs, ask yourself...
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Data Collection Without the $100,000 Fancy Toys
Executive Summary. Collecting data from a construction jobsite can serve many purposes, and all of them very beneficial. Uses such as claim...
How to Make a Submittal – Check, Check, Check!
Executive Summary. Making submittals on a construction project is art and science. Increase your success rate on submittals using this method!...
Daily Cost and the What-If
Executive Summary. Paramount to cost control is a superintendent’s and project manager’s ability to know cost in real time. Knowing the daily cost...
Profitability the Easy Way – Via the Bottom Line
Executive Summary. In construction, there are more ways to make money than by increasing production. Find other ways to affect the bottom line...
K.I.S.S. – Keep It Simple Stupid
Executive Summary There’s power in simplicity. Harness the power to more efficiently communicate in-house and with your clients. What’s in a Task?...