American Council of Engineering Companies of Hawaii (ACECH), Honolulu, HI
“Your presentation and the professional opinions that you conveyed during the candid panel discussion were well-articulated and very informative. The sharing of you expertise on this subject matter was highly educational to the more than 50 professional engineers”
American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE), Hawaii Section, Honolulu, HI
“What made your talk so unique was the candor with which it was delivered. I was told by more than one member that they were able to either learn new things from your presentation or were able to confirm thoughts they had about the processes used by contractors in pricing work.“

“Getting licensed in Hawaii was our goal – thanks to Monique and SJCC’s efforts and professionalism we realized our goal. We can’t say enough about this company! “
Belarde Co., Snohomish, WA
“I wanted to comment specifically on the value you brought beyond the basics of HeavyBid. You went the extra mile and assessed our current use of the estimating software as it relates to our accounting software and in-place cost coding. The guidance you provided regarding coding will greatly help us in both estimating and cost controls.“
Bergerson Construction, Inc., Astoria, OR
“I was especially pleased with the help and industry advice you provided on setting up our cost control numbering. You were willing and able to assist prior to, and after, your visit to our office. We’re continuing to develop our cost controls and look forward to your continued assistance in strategizing on ways to optimize our program. “
Brough Construction, Arroyo Grande, CA
“We were so pleased to have you in our office spending the time “in the trenches” with us working on estimating, budget generation, and cost to complete worksheets. Your knowledge as a construction professional and a former company owner was invaluable to us and we look forward to working with you in the future.“
Burtech Pipeline, Encinitas, CA
“Your construction experience, beyond the software, proved invaluable to us as we start to make initial fundamental decisions in what our cost control system will be. Thanks again for your time, and the sharing of your lessons learned through your own personal execution of pipeline and heavy/civil work.“
Cerrudo Services, Inc. Novato, CA
“Your approach to showing the basics of HeavyBid as well as your demonstration of the more advanced features really helped our guys see what the program can do. The team and I all felt there was definitely added value in the fact that you have been, and currently are, in the heavy/civil industry.“
CGC, LLC, Edmond, OK
“I wanted to extend a special thank you for the additional time and knowledge you brought during your time with our company. Your additional time on the fourth day, which was beyond your obligation to us, as well as the knowledge you possess as a previous construction business executive and owner, really increased the value of your service.“
Chambers Excavating & Construction, Inc., Oklahoma City, OK
“Our recent purchase of HCSS HeavyBid software will be great for Chambers Excavating & Construction. It is a great addition to our arsenal and thanks to your assistance in learning the software and advising on estimating workflow, we feel well-positioned to do great things this season.“
Chatham Civil, Siler City, NC
“What makes the time you spend with us valuable is your knowledge of heavy/civil construction and the simplicity with which you break it down to the guys. Of course, you know HeavyBid in and out, so that’s good too! I’d be happy to recommend your services to anyone who has questions about your abilities as a trainer and/or estimator.“
Chee Markham & Feldman, Honolulu, HI
“The documents provided by you, and mostly generated and assembled by you, clearly demonstrated an understanding of the contract and the necessary quantum meruit calculations needed to allow for quick financial settlement. Your ability to organize the claim, provide the original source supporting documentation, and put the claim into a clear and concise format led to a quick resolution.“

Creative Sound
“We were stuck with Deferral Letter after Deferral Letter – we sought out SJCC’s assistance, and we were very impressed with their knowledge of the licensing process in Hawaii! “
Douglas-Kerr Underground, LLC, Mora, MN
“Thanks for coming out to our office in late January to get us up and started on HeavyBid. We were very happy with your professional services and also enjoyed you personally. Since you’ve left, I’ve appreciated your willingness to help us as we transition into using the software. If I can be of any help in speaking on your behalf, please do not hesitate to provide my contact information to potential clients.“
Dragados/Flatiron, JV, Selma, CA
“The nature of our project is to have numerous proposals sent and approved by the client, and due to the number and magnitude of the proposals, we asked for your help on file nomenclature and storage. We’re appreciative of your assistance in this area and the offer of further assistance in codebook organization.“
Dragados Canada, Toronto, ON, Canada
“We enjoyed having you at our office and learned a great deal from you on both trips. It was very beneficial to have you back to dive deeper into some of the functions that were not covered in the basic training. I feel that we are poised to be very productive thanks to your help.“
Drake Construction, Inc., Conroe, TX
“We are very pleased to have been introduced by you to a system of coding both in the estimating phase and then immediately into budgeting. Thanks again for taking the time to help set up our master cost code list. It went beyond what we anticipated in the way of service. Thanks for doing what needed to be done – we appreciate it!“
Fred Weber, Inc., Maryland Heights, MO
“Thanks for taking the time to provide additional assistance to Fred Weber, Inc. over the past two days in our corporate office in Maryland Heights, Missouri. Your visit and successful implantation of the software has provided our business with cost and time savings with the implementation of the HeavyBid software. Again, thanks for the help!“
G70 (formerly Group 70 International, Inc.), Honolulu, HI
“Since our first meeting, we have continued to work with you on other projects primarily of a civil nature. You have provided continuous cost analysis and construction consultation and review of some of our projects on O`ahu and the neighboring islands. We have always found your services to be an asset to our team. We look forward to working.“
Hadean Aggregate Solutions Inc., St. Nelson, BC, Canada
“We were very pleased with the service we received from you. Your knowledge of estimating was certainly of great value, but also we benefited from your experience as a construction executive and company owner. The advice you provided beyond the actual training will certainly be of assistance as we grow our company.“
Hensel Phelps Construction Co, Honolulu, HI
“We would like to thank you for your willingness and ability to help us out with several engineering service needs for this project with very short timelines. Your company’s ability to provide quick turnaround times without sacrificing the high level of quality that is needed for this project has been a huge benefit for our team. We appreciate your sense of urgency and ability to perform at such a professional level.“
Interlaken, Inc., Gresham, OR
“One thing I appreciated during your visit was the impact you had on the entire process, not just our use of HeavyBid. Based on discussions with you, we also went ahead and invested in another software for takeoff. Now we have two great software to help improve the quality and number of estimates we get out on a regular basis.“
Johansen Construction Company, Buckley, WA
“We have a strong relationship with SJCC based on my personal experience with you in the Pacific Northwest and in Hawaii. The “real world” experience you bring to the table will do nothing but make our team stronger and sharper. Thanks again for helping improve our company. I’m happy to speak on your behalf should any potential clients wish to learn more about SJCC or you personally. “
Keystone Experts + Engineers, Castle Pines, CO
“I wanted to take a moment to thank you for your recent services to our firm in the way of forensic investigation of a failing building on the island of O`Ahu. Again, thank you for your assistance on this project and I am happy to speak about your professional services to any other potential clients.“
Kansas Asphalt, Inc., Bucyrus, KS
“Thanks for the time over the past two days working with our estimating and sales group on the retooling of our estimating program. Kansas Asphalt works across the country in providing asphalt solutions, and we were happy to bring you on to our team. I was appreciative of your experience in the industry and how that translated into some very valuable deep dives into bettering our estimates.“
Kibler Construction, Inc., Finksburg, MD
“I want to thank you for the knowledge you brought to the table as a business executive. It WaS Clear to me that you spent a significant portion of your career as a company owner, and this aspect of your ’’resume’’only provided additional and unexpected value to the sessions. Thank you again and please do not hesitate to have other potential clients contact me should they be inquiring about the quality of your services as a construction professional.“
KIP, Inc., Murrieta, CA
“Thank you for spending three days in our corporate office in Murrieta, California last week training our staff on HeavyBid. Regarding your approach to educating me and Jimmy, we were very pleased with the ono-stuffy, real life experience you were able to weave into the training. We’re glad to see HCSS only sends out experienced construction professionals.“
Koss Construction, Topeka, KS
“Thank you for your assistance in the implementation of HeavyBid at Koss Construction this past week. We are in our infancy with this software but your knowledge gave us confidence that we will succeed in using this software to bid our work. Even though this training was held virtually due to the COVID-19 pandemic, your planning and delivery of the content was excellent. Every one of our questions was answered in a way that set Koss on a path to achieving our goals.“
MAS Building & Bridge, Inc., Norfolk, MA
“Both my colleague Dan and I learned a great deal from you and are now implementing this knowledge into our own estimating practices here at MAS Building & Bridge, Inc. We enjoyed getting to know you on a personal level both during the class and afterward at the reception where we could talk about life outside of construction.“
Moore Excavation Company, Fairview, OR
“When you were on site with us, you helped us with proposals, general improvements in our estimating, use of the quote folder system, among other things. Your experience as a former construction executive and owner, helped Scott and I by giving us an outside view of our operations.“
Nordic PCL Construction, Inc., Honolulu, HI
“Your assistance to Nordic PCL Construction, Inc over the past six months on the above project is greatly appreciated. Your assistance as an integral part of our team was essential to completeing the project successfully and ensuring we mitigated our risks. On behalf of Nordic PCL Constructio, I again want to thank your for service on this project.“
NUCA Washington, Seattle, WA
“Scott and his firm are offering training on HCSS’ HeavyBid software for NUCA member firms across the country. I encourage you to talk with him when he contacts you. You might want to consider partnering with Scott to offer your members excellent industry training and, in the process, provide your members with a valuable added benefit. Although NUCA does not endorse any member firm’s services over another, we do encourage doing business with NUCA member firms.“
Oles Morrison Rinker & Baker, Seattle, WA
“My relationship started with Mr. Jennings in 2002 when he was the project manager for RCI Construction Group on a large wastewater treatment plant in Honolulu Hawaii. This project had challenges early on in its foundation construction and quickly elevated to a matter requiring legal representation. This matter ended up ballooning into a multi-million dollar dispute over a subsurface differing site condition.“
PCL Construction, Inc., Bellevue, WA
“Thank you for spending two days with PCL’s civil group in our Bellevue, Washington office. Your visit brought tremendous value to the estimating team. Although the team has had experience with HeavyBid, your training and overall experience in the industry helped further hone our skills in the software and best practices in heavy/civil estimating.“
QAYAQ Construction, Anchorage, AK
“Thanks for the remote training/implementation this week on HCSS HeavyBid. Although I’m an experienced user, I was able to learn a number of new things from you. Your ability to communicate the processes and their importance will definitely enhance my estimates moving forward.“
R & K Excavation, Inc., Bloomsdale, MO
“We also appreciate the help/advice you gave on your current server set up. We will be considering cloud or an in-house server system as we grow with our current setup. Your overall experience as a heavy/civil business owner was helpful in more higher level issues like overhead allocation and the potential future of our cost controls.“

Rimor LLC
“Now that we are licensed, we can pursue larger and more profitable projects – we have Monique and SJCC to thank for that!”
Road Safety Services and Design, Honolulu, HI
“Roadway Safety Signs & Devices (RSSD) is appreciative of the work you have done for us on the above project. Much to our surprise, the Mayor of Honolulu all of a sudden put this project on his priority list and it required RSSD, and consequently SJ Construction Consulting, LLC, to jump through hoops at an accelerated pace. We have never worked with an engineer who would step out of lunch at a pizza restaurant to stamp plans on the hood of my truck!“
Schick Civil Construction, Hamilton, NZ
“Your assistance and guidance in inputting labor, equipment, crews and the like were very helpful. We were very happy with your approach to teaching us and this combined with your industry knowledge helped tremendously in building our confidence in estimating, job cost controls, and HCSS as a whole!“

Schaper Construction Inc.
“SJCC helped us with re-applying for our licenses – RME and Entity. SJCC was attentive, immediately responsive, and professional, and within a few months, we were licensed again! “
Schindler Elevator, Honolulu, HI
“Our relationship started about ten years ago when you provided engineering services for some of our federal projects. Our federal projects required seismic calculations stamped by a professional engineer. The calculations you provided in accordance with ASME and the project specifications were done in an expedient and professional manner.“
Southern Contractors, LLC, New Iberia, LA
“It was valuable to me to receive the training from you as well as you imparting that same knowledge on my staff. I feel that we will see immediate improvement in our controls thanks to the software and your knowledge of estimating and the business. The discussions we had outside of the training were not only enjoyable, but beneficial to me.“
TMC Contractors, Inc., Idaho Falls, ID
“I thought my time with you was well spent, and we’re looking to starting to use the software as soon as possible. I’m appreciative of not only the time you spent training Camille and I, but also the insight you have in the business. It was helpful that you knew the industry and that could relate some of the training to real life experience.“
Vanguard Construction, Inc., Livermore, CA
“We appreciated not only the standard HCSS HeavyBid training provided, but also the industry insight from your years in the business acorss the country. The value of your service was increased by your ability to tie together the estimating, job cost, and accounting aspects of our company. Thanks again for spending time with our estimating, operating, and financial staff.“