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Results for "Work Day"

Legal Word of the Day: Contemporaneous

Legal Word of the Day: Contemporaneous

Executive Summary In a construction matter, the quality of evidence can be as important as the evidence itself. Using contemporaneous information can be invaluable in your legal matter against an opposing party. What is this word, contemporaneous? In layman’s terms it...

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Do Something Awkward Every Day

Do Something Awkward Every Day

Executive Summary: As a manager, it may be often that you run into a situation in which you must do something outside of your comfort zone. Mitigate stress and make this exercise easier for you by practicing uncomfortable and awkward situations every day. The problem....

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Incentive Clauses: Do they Work?

Incentive Clauses: Do they Work?

Executive Summary: Engineers have wondered if incentive clauses are a benefit to Owners in producing a timely, or accelerated, contract completion. My experience has been that it is of great benefit to the Owner because of the aggressive nature of project completion...

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Giving Workers a Voice Makes Jobsites Safer

Giving Workers a Voice Makes Jobsites Safer

Executive Summary As a project site safety manager, if all you had to do was “safety” all day, your job would be easy. But as a safety professional, much of your time is spent convincing project managers, superintendents and executive management of the value is...

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Latest Projects

Building Maintenance

Building Maintenance

ProjectThe DetailsThe Challenge Vivamus ipsum velit, ullamcorper quis nibh non, molestie tempus sapien. Mauris ultrices, felis ut eleifend auctor, leo felis vehicula quam, ut accumsan augue nunc at nisl. Vivamus ipsum velit, ullamcorper quis nibh non, molestie tempus...

Kitchen Cabinet Repair

Kitchen Cabinet Repair

ProjectThe DetailsThe Challenge Vivamus ipsum velit, ullamcorper quis nibh non, molestie tempus sapien. Mauris ultrices, felis ut eleifend auctor, leo felis vehicula quam, ut accumsan augue nunc at nisl. Vivamus ipsum velit, ullamcorper quis nibh non, molestie tempus...

Floor Project

Floor Project

ProjectThe DetailsThe Challenge Vivamus ipsum velit, ullamcorper quis nibh non, molestie tempus sapien. Mauris ultrices, felis ut eleifend auctor, leo felis vehicula quam, ut accumsan augue nunc at nisl. Vivamus ipsum velit, ullamcorper quis nibh non, molestie tempus...

Basement Project

Basement Project

ProjectThe DetailsThe Challenge Vivamus ipsum velit, ullamcorper quis nibh non, molestie tempus sapien. Mauris ultrices, felis ut eleifend auctor, leo felis vehicula quam, ut accumsan augue nunc at nisl. Vivamus ipsum velit, ullamcorper quis nibh non, molestie tempus...