by Gaurav Mehrotra | Oct 16, 2020 | Estimating, News
Executive Summary A common mistake in estimating is the cost of an overtime manhour. Overtime is generally not one and one-half times the straight time rate. It’s usually closer to 1.30. What’s in a labor rate? A labor rate is a combination of three numbers: the...
by Gaurav Mehrotra | Aug 28, 2020 | Business Development, News
Executive Summary Just three random important things for contractors that didn’t make up an article all on their own: the legality of audio recording, running one man short, the golden rule of bid forms. What’s this article about? It’s about being a smart contractor...
by Gaurav Mehrotra | Aug 21, 2020 | Claims, News
Executive Summary There are very few “court-accepted” ways a contractor can quantify his or her loss as a result of labor productivity, or lack thereof. MCAA’s (Mechanical Contractors Association of America, Inc.) document PD 2 Factors Affecting Labor Productivity is...