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Results for "concrete"

Introduction to Contractor Estimating

Introduction to Contractor Estimating

Executive Summary.  The reader is introduced to the process of contractor estimating, from initial project evaluation through the call for bond, the takeoff, the actual estimating of a civil project, an even the turn in of the bid. Bid Evaluation and call for...

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The Lookahead Schedule and 90/60/30

The Lookahead Schedule and 90/60/30

Executive Summary.  Once the project starts, it is the Contractor’s project management team’s responsibility to update the client on a regular, usually weekly, basis.  This is done graphically using a lookahead schedule in bar chart format (also known as a Gantt...

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Cracks in Construction

Cracks in Construction

Executive Summary Cracks in construction provide information to a superintendent. We identify what you’re seeing and what it could mean in specific scenarios. Where are Cracks Seen? [edsanimate_start entry_animation_type= "rotateIn" entry_delay= "0" entry_duration=...

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Fleet Management: Ways to Gather Data

Fleet Management: Ways to Gather Data

Executive Summary. Several means exist in the way of gathering data from your operating fleet. Here are the basic ways and then a quick explanation of current technology. The Basics of Data Collection. Many contractors, or companies with large on/offroad fleets and/or...

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