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Results for "delay"

Legal Word of the Day: Contemporaneous

Legal Word of the Day: Contemporaneous

Executive Summary In a construction matter, the quality of evidence can be as important as the evidence itself. Using contemporaneous information can be invaluable in your legal matter against an opposing party. What is this word, contemporaneous? In layman’s terms it...

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Introduction to Contractor Estimating

Introduction to Contractor Estimating

Executive Summary.  The reader is introduced to the process of contractor estimating, from initial project evaluation through the call for bond, the takeoff, the actual estimating of a civil project, an even the turn in of the bid. Bid Evaluation and call for...

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Designing with Cost in Mind

Designing with Cost in Mind

Executive Summary.  Contractors are often brought into a project in the design phase to minimize cost.  Here are some guidelines on infrastructure project cost cutting measures from a Contractor’s viewpoint – it’s advice to a design team. How estimating is done.  In...

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The Lookahead Schedule and 90/60/30

The Lookahead Schedule and 90/60/30

Executive Summary.  Once the project starts, it is the Contractor’s project management team’s responsibility to update the client on a regular, usually weekly, basis.  This is done graphically using a lookahead schedule in bar chart format (also known as a Gantt...

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