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Results for "Purchase order"

Introduction to Contractor Estimating

Introduction to Contractor Estimating

Executive Summary.  The reader is introduced to the process of contractor estimating, from initial project evaluation through the call for bond, the takeoff, the actual estimating of a civil project, an even the turn in of the bid. Bid Evaluation and call for...

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Instant Resolution of Contractor Overhead Daily Cost

Instant Resolution of Contractor Overhead Daily Cost

Executive Summary.  Projects often experience delays for which the Contractor is awarded additional time.  The determination of the per day reimbursement to the Contractor for this time is fraught with protracted analysis and negotiation.  Owners should consider...

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The Construction Daily Report: Why & What

The Construction Daily Report: Why & What

Executive Summary:  The importance of the daily report cannot be overstated.  Knowing why to write them and what to put in the report is critical for defense of yourself, and offense against another party. Why should I do daily reports?  I think most people know what...

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Inventory Tracking: A Money Saver

Inventory Tracking: A Money Saver

Executive Summary Construction companies have inventories that should be managed to improve efficiency and, in turn, improve the bottom line. Consider a mobile solution or at least one that gets away from the clipboard. How it was. My parents ran a small and...

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Putting Shingles On A Roof

Putting Shingles On A Roof

ProjectThe DetailsThe Challenge Vivamus ipsum velit, ullamcorper quis nibh non, molestie tempus sapien. Mauris ultrices, felis ut eleifend auctor, leo felis vehicula quam, ut accumsan augue nunc at nisl. Vivamus ipsum velit, ullamcorper quis nibh non, molestie tempus...