Executive Summary: More and more construction jobs year after year go to litigation – or at least go “legal” as I say, by requiring the services of...
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Invoice Your Clients Clearly and by the Rules to get Paid Quickly
Executive Summary Invoices get paid untimely for numerous reasons. The reason for slow payment should never be because of you – the party billing....
What’s a Banking Covenant?
Executive Summary: What are banking covenants? Banking covenants are conditions put upon a borrower by the bank. Although they can be general in...
The Power of Habit
Executive Summary: Although policies can be created overnight, getting them to function and last in your organization takes time. Read here about...
Including the Portion of Corporate Overhead in a Bid
Executive Summary: Determining how to account for the portion of corporate overhead to be included in a bid is a calculation that every company...
Choosing a Professional Services Provider
Executive Summary: There are many factors in determining who should provide your firm professional services. Read on to find that it’s more than...