Executive Summary In a construction matter, the quality of evidence can be as important as the evidence itself. Using contemporaneous information can be invaluable in your legal matter against an opposing party. What is this word, contemporaneous? In layman’s terms it...
Your Last Choice: The Total Cost Claim Approach
Executive Summary. In a claim situation, when choosing a method of claim recovery, the total cost claim method is usually the weakest choice. A recent court case put another nail in that coffin. ASCE recently caught my eye. I am a member of ASCE and saw in one of...
Legal Jargon and Process 101
Executive Summary. Being in management, middle or upper, will likely land you close to a courtroom. At least you will be exposed to the legal process. Here are some of the basics from a non-lawyer. What sort of events would expose me to legal jargon? In construction,...
The Importance of As-Builts
Executive Summary. As-builts are critical to future projects and can save Owners thousands or millions of dollars. As-builts can also save lives. Do them and do them contemporaneously (which means as you go, not after the fact). What are as-builts? As-builts are...
Bucketing – the Proper Claim Accounting Method
Executive Summary The categorization of costs incurred in a changed condition scenario is critical in dispute resolution. Account for costs by issue and sub-issue by creating buckets of costs. Do it early! Here Come the Extra Costs When you (the contractor) experience...
Training: Now I see the Value
Executive Summary The benefits of training can be great for numerous reasons. You’re making capital investments, you should also treat your employees as an asset worthy of investment too. I got reasons not to train my people. Many managers feel as if training is a...